Bubblemark https://bubblemark.com A blog about IT work streams Fri, 24 Nov 2023 13:19:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.3 https://bubblemark.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/cropped-logo-1-32x32.jpg Bubblemark https://bubblemark.com 32 32 Adopting DevOps Practices in Gaming Companies https://bubblemark.com/adopting-devops-practices-in-gaming-companies/ Fri, 24 Nov 2023 13:19:31 +0000 https://bubblemark.com/?p=226 The gaming industry is rapidly evolving, requiring companies to frequently update games and features to remain competitive. However, frequent releases can introduce bugs and disrupt the player experience if not managed properly. This article explores how DevOps practices can streamline processes to deploy faster updates without sacrificing quality or security. Key Challenges Faced By Gaming […]

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The gaming industry is rapidly evolving, requiring companies to frequently update games and features to remain competitive. However, frequent releases can introduce bugs and disrupt the player experience if not managed properly. This article explores how DevOps practices can streamline processes to deploy faster updates without sacrificing quality or security.

Key Challenges Faced By Gaming Companies

Gaming companies face pressing demands to quickly fix bugs, release new content, and ensure robust systems that can scale during traffic spikes. Without DevOps, manually managing infrastructure and deployments introduces risks. Companies may struggle to:

  • Swiftly address emerging compliance regulations
  • Prevent downtime from human errors
  • Scale to accommodate sudden player increases
  • Protect sensitive player data from breaches

Additionally, delays deploying updates or new features can cause players to switch to rival games. Adopting automated DevOps practices is key to overcoming these pitfalls.

Tailoring DevOps For The Gaming Industry

While DevOps improves development workflows across industries, gaming has unique considerations like:

Game Build Automation: Automating compilation, testing, and distribution streamlines publishing updates that keep players engaged.

Infrastructure Provisioning: Programmatically managing infrastructure enables instantly scaling capacity for traffic bursts during events or promotions.

Load Testing: Rigorously load testing game servers prepares infrastructure to smoothly handle peaks in player activity.

AB Testing: Running A/B tests by releasing variations of games or features to different player segments provides data to refine designs. When conducting A/B testing of new game features, one gaming company tested an Aviator demo with enhanced physics modeling on flight trajectories with a small subset of players.

Compliance Checks: Automated security and compliance monitoring reduces risk of penalties for privacy breaches or regulatory non-compliance.

Benefits Of DevOps Adoption For Gaming Firms

Implementing DevOps delivers quantifiable improvements:

  • Shortened time-to-market to rapidly unveil new titles and features
  • Cost savings from optimized infrastructure utilization
  • Improved uptime and availability via automated failover systems
  • Easy horizontal scaling to support fluctuations in players
  • Tighter collaboration between teams to quickly fix issues
  • Enhanced security by embedding controls in processes
  • Higher quality experiences increasing player retention

Overall, DevOps allows gaming companies to focus resources on innovation rather than maintenance.

Integrating Game Engines With CI/CD Pipelines

Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines are integral for realized DevOps benefits. Here are best practices for incorporating game engines:

  • Standardize version control for source code/assets
  • Configure CI/CD platforms aligned to needs
  • Script build, test, and deployment stages
  • Utilize game engine CLI tools to automate builds
  • Track asset changes through version control
  • Set up automatic triggering after commits
  • Emulate target environment configurations
  • Implement automated testing scripts
  • Tailor deployment scripts per platform
  • Monitor pipelines to rapidly fix issues
  • Support quick rollback to previous versions

Following these tips enables gaming firms to release higher quality updates frequently and efficiently.

Migrating An Online Sportsbook To The Cloud

An online sportsbook struggled with scalability and reliability issues on outdated on-premises infrastructure. By migrating to AWS cloud and transforming processes with CI/CD automation, traffic capacity increased 30-40%. Centralized logging and monitoring also enabled detecting and resolving site issues in under 5 minutes. Investing in DevOps unlocked rapid growth and bolstered security.

Implementing A DevOps Culture Across The Organization

While adopting DevOps tooling delivers tremendous value, gaming companies must also nurture an embracing DevOps culture across the organization to truly transform. Instilling key cultural tenets helps tear down barriers between teams to improve velocity, quality, and security.

Promote Cross-Team Collaboration

Siloed teams who rarely interact often lead to bottlenecks and misaligned priorities. Facilitate increased collaboration through measures like holding joint standups for developers, QA, and ops to bump hidden issues to the surface early. Cross-functional teams who collectively own services better understand dependencies that can cause outages or delayed releases if not properly managed.

Encourage Blameless Post-Mortems

When major incidents inevitably occur, conduct thorough yet blameless post-mortem analyses to uncover root causes without finger-pointing. This constructive process identifies areas needing investment like inadequate testing coverage, infrastructure deficits, or unrefined alerting thresholds.

Incentivize Continual Learning

Provide resources and incentives for employees to continually uplevel technical and non-technical skills. Sponsor conference and training attendance, host lunch-and-learns, and invest in subscription learning platforms. More knowledgeable teams invent creative solutions to gnarly problems.

Enable Experimentation

While gaming demands incredible precision, enable measured experimentation for discovering impactful innovations to delight players. This starts with instituting peer code reviews to spur healthy debates about superior approaches. Champion modern best practices like progressively roll out updated game engines or infrastructure changes to minimize risk.

Integrating these vital cultural elements with DevOps technologies paves the way for gaming studios to accelerate releases, strengthen stability, and keep players happy. It also boosts employee engagement as teams gain context about their impact on player experiences. Ultimately cultural transformation unlocks the true potential of technological progress.

The additional section provides helpful supplemental advice on instilling an engaged DevOps culture across gaming organizations to maximize the ROI of tools and process improvements. This extra content could fit nicely after the case study paragraph highlighted above.


Within the thriving yet demanding gaming industry, DevOps is no longer optional – it’s necessary for competitive differentiation and long-term dominance. Companies implementing structured DevOps practices react to market shifts quicker, maximize developer productivity, reduce risk, and exceed player expectations. The business case for embracing DevOps and cloud transformations is stronger than ever for gaming firms seeking enduring prosperity.

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Pursuing a Career in IT: The Role of a DevOps Engineer https://bubblemark.com/pursuing-a-career-in-it-the-role-of-a-devops-engineer/ Mon, 30 Oct 2023 14:54:47 +0000 https://bubblemark.com/?p=222 The information technology (IT) industry has undergone a significant transformation over the years. Advancements in technology have led to the emergence of new sectors and career opportunities. One such career path is that of a DevOps engineer, a role that has gained immense popularity in recent years. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding […]

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The information technology (IT) industry has undergone a significant transformation over the years. Advancements in technology have led to the emergence of new sectors and career opportunities. One such career path is that of a DevOps engineer, a role that has gained immense popularity in recent years. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the IT industry, the role of a DevOps engineer, and the career prospects in this field.

Understanding the IT Industry

The evolution of IT has been remarkable, shaping the way we live and work. From the early mainframe computers to the cloud-based systems we have today, technology has revolutionized every facet of our lives. As a result, the IT industry has become a crucial driver of economic growth, offering a wide range of job opportunities.

Within the IT industry, there are key sectors that play a significant role. These sectors include software development, cybersecurity, data analytics, network administration, and infrastructure management, to name a few. Each sector has unique challenges and opportunities, attracting professionals with specific skill sets.

Software development is a fundamental sector in the IT industry. It involves the creation, testing, and maintenance of computer software. Software developers use programming languages such as Java, Python, and C++ to build applications that meet the needs of businesses and individuals. They work closely with clients and other stakeholders to understand requirements and develop innovative solutions.

Cybersecurity is another critical sector within the IT industry. With the increasing reliance on technology, protecting sensitive information from cyber threats has become a top priority. Cybersecurity professionals are responsible for implementing measures to safeguard computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other malicious activities. They develop and implement security protocols, conduct vulnerability assessments, and respond to security incidents.

Data analytics is a rapidly growing sector that focuses on extracting insights from large volumes of data. Data analysts use statistical techniques and data visualization tools to analyze and interpret data, helping organizations make informed decisions. They work with structured and unstructured data, applying algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify patterns and trends. Data analytics plays a crucial role in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and marketing.

Network administration is a sector that deals with the management and maintenance of computer networks. Network administrators are responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of network infrastructure, including routers, switches, and firewalls. They configure network settings, monitor network performance, and troubleshoot connectivity issues. Network administrators play a vital role in maintaining the integrity and security of an organization’s network.

Infrastructure management is another essential sector within the IT industry. It involves the planning, implementation, and maintenance of IT infrastructure, including servers, storage devices, and virtualization technologies. Infrastructure managers ensure that the organization’s technology resources are reliable, scalable, and secure. They work closely with other IT professionals to design and optimize infrastructure solutions that support business operations.

These are just a few examples of the diverse sectors within the IT industry. Each sector offers unique career paths and opportunities for growth. Whether you are interested in coding, cybersecurity, data analysis, or network management, the IT industry has something for everyone. With the continuous advancement of technology, the demand for skilled IT professionals is expected to grow, making it an exciting and rewarding field to be a part of.

The Emergence of DevOps

DevOps, a combination of “development” and “operations,” is a software engineering culture that focuses on collaboration, communication, and automation. In the past, development and operations teams worked in silos, resulting in a lack of agility and efficiency. DevOps aims to bridge this gap by integrating these teams and fostering collaboration.

One of the key drivers behind the emergence of DevOps is the need for organizations to deliver software faster and more frequently. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are under constant pressure to release new features and updates to stay ahead of the competition. Traditional software development and deployment processes, characterized by manual handoffs and lengthy release cycles, simply cannot keep up with these demands.

DevOps emphasizes the importance of automation in software development and deployment processes. By automating repetitive tasks, such as testing and deployment, DevOps engineers can streamline operations and increase the speed at which software is delivered to customers. This automation not only saves time but also reduces the risk of human error, ensuring a higher quality of software.

Furthermore, DevOps promotes a culture of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). Continuous integration refers to the practice of merging code changes into a shared repository frequently, allowing teams to detect and resolve conflicts early on. Continuous delivery, on the other hand, focuses on automating the release process, enabling organizations to deploy software updates to production environments quickly and reliably.

Another aspect of DevOps is the use of infrastructure as code (IaC). With IaC, infrastructure configurations are defined and managed through code, allowing for version control, reproducibility, and scalability. This approach eliminates manual configuration and reduces the risk of inconsistencies between different environments, such as development, testing, and production.

DevOps also encourages cross-functional collaboration and communication. By breaking down the barriers between development and operations teams, organizations can foster a shared sense of responsibility and accountability. This collaboration not only improves the efficiency of software development and deployment but also enhances the overall quality of the final product.

Moreover, DevOps promotes a culture of continuous improvement. Through the use of metrics, monitoring, and feedback loops, organizations can identify areas for optimization and make data-driven decisions. This iterative approach allows teams to continuously enhance their processes, tools, and infrastructure, leading to increased efficiency and customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, the emergence of DevOps has revolutionized the software engineering landscape. By emphasizing collaboration, communication, and automation, DevOps enables organizations to deliver software faster, with higher quality, and at scale. As businesses strive to stay competitive in the digital age, embracing DevOps has become essential for success.

The Role of a DevOps Engineer

As a DevOps engineer, your job involves bridging the gap between development and operations teams. You are responsible for creating and maintaining the infrastructure that supports the software development process. This includes designing and implementing automated deployment pipelines, ensuring scalability and reliability of systems, and optimizing performance.

In addition to technical responsibilities, you will also play a crucial role in fostering collaboration between teams. Effective communication and strong problem-solving skills are essential in this role, as you need to understand the needs of various stakeholders and find solutions that meet both development and operations requirements.

One of the key aspects of a DevOps engineer’s role is to design and implement automated deployment pipelines. This involves creating a streamlined process for deploying software updates and new features to production environments. By automating this process, you can reduce the risk of human error and ensure that deployments are consistent and reliable.

Another important responsibility of a DevOps engineer is to ensure the scalability and reliability of systems. This involves monitoring the performance of infrastructure components, such as servers and databases, and making adjustments as needed to handle increased traffic or workload. By proactively addressing scalability issues, you can prevent downtime and ensure that systems can handle the demands of a growing user base.

Optimizing performance is also a critical aspect of a DevOps engineer’s role. This involves analyzing system metrics and identifying areas for improvement, such as reducing response times or optimizing resource usage. By fine-tuning system performance, you can enhance the user experience and improve overall efficiency.

However, being a DevOps engineer is not just about technical skills. Collaboration and communication are essential in this role. You will need to work closely with development teams to understand their requirements and ensure that the infrastructure supports their needs. Similarly, you will need to collaborate with operations teams to ensure that systems are stable and reliable. By fostering a culture of collaboration and open communication, you can break down silos and create a more efficient and effective development process.

Problem-solving skills are also crucial for a DevOps engineer. You will often be faced with complex challenges that require creative solutions. Whether it’s troubleshooting an issue in the deployment pipeline or finding ways to optimize system performance, your ability to think critically and find innovative solutions will be key to your success.

In conclusion, the role of a DevOps engineer is multifaceted. You are responsible for creating and maintaining the infrastructure that supports the software development process, while also fostering collaboration between teams. Your technical skills, communication abilities, and problem-solving capabilities will all be put to the test as you work to optimize performance and ensure the reliability of systems. By embracing this challenging and dynamic role, you can make a significant impact on the success of software development projects.

Career Path for a DevOps Engineer

For those looking to enter the field of DevOps engineering, there are various career pathways to consider. Entry-level opportunities typically involve working as an associate DevOps engineer or a junior DevOps engineer. In these roles, you will assist senior engineers in implementing and maintaining the infrastructure.

As you gain experience and develop your skills, you can progress to roles such as a senior DevOps engineer or a DevOps architect. These positions involve leading projects, designing complex systems, and mentoring junior team members. With continued growth and expertise, you may even have the opportunity to become a DevOps manager or a technology leader within an organization.

The Future of DevOps Engineering

DevOps engineering is constantly evolving, adapting to new technologies and industry trends. It is important for professionals in this field to stay up-to-date with emerging trends and technological advancements. Some of the key trends in DevOps include containerization, serverless architecture, and the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning into the DevOps process.

Technological advancements, such as the widespread adoption of cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT), are also expected to impact DevOps engineering. As organizations increasingly rely on cloud-based infrastructure and connected devices, DevOps engineers will play a critical role in ensuring the reliability and security of these systems.


The role of a DevOps engineer in today’s IT industry is crucial and offers exciting opportunities for those pursuing a career in technology. By understanding the evolving landscape of the IT industry, the emergence of DevOps, and the responsibilities of a DevOps engineer, you can make informed decisions about your career path. With the right skills and qualifications, a career as a DevOps engineer can lead to growth, advancement, and the opportunity to shape the future of technology.

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Embarking on an Unforgettable Journey: Discovering the Thrills of Real Money Online Pokies https://bubblemark.com/embarking-on-an-unforgettable-journey-discovering-the-thrills-of-real-money-online-pokies/ https://bubblemark.com/embarking-on-an-unforgettable-journey-discovering-the-thrills-of-real-money-online-pokies/#respond Wed, 31 May 2023 13:24:42 +0000 https://bubblemark.com/?p=215 Introduction:The realm of casinos has always been associated with excitement, entertainment, and the allure of winning big. Whether you’re captivated by the glamorous atmosphere of land-based casinos or prefer the convenience and accessibility of online platforms, casino gaming offers an exhilarating experience for players at every level. In this article, we will delve into the […]

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The realm of casinos has always been associated with excitement, entertainment, and the allure of winning big. Whether you’re captivated by the glamorous atmosphere of land-based casinos or prefer the convenience and accessibility of online platforms, casino gaming offers an exhilarating experience for players at every level. In this article, we will delve into the captivating world of casinos, shining a spotlight on the thrill of gambling and the exciting universe of real money online pokies.

Unveiling the Allure of Real Money Online Pokies:
When it comes to online casino gaming, real money online pokies have emerged as a clear favorite among players worldwide. These virtual slot machines combine simplicity, engaging gameplay, and the enticing prospect of winning real money, making them an irresistible choice for both novice and seasoned gamblers. Real money online pokies boast a wide array of themes, features, and bonus rounds that captivate players and keep them coming back for more.

Access and Convenience:
One of the key advantages of real money online pokies lies in their accessibility. With just a few clicks, players can access a diverse selection of pokies from the comfort of their own homes or while on the move. Online casinos provide a convenient platform where players can engage in thrilling slot machine gameplay anytime and anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection. This accessibility allows players to enjoy their favorite pokies without being constrained by time or location, providing unparalleled convenience.

Flexible Betting Options:
Furthermore, real money online pokies offer a wide range of betting options to cater to different player preferences and budgets. Whether you’re a casual player seeking entertainment or a high roller craving the adrenaline rush of larger bets, there are pokies available with varying bet limits to suit your needs. The flexibility in betting options ensures that players of all levels can find a game that aligns with their playing style and bankroll.

Excitement and Winning Potential:
The true excitement of real money online pokies lies in their potential for substantial winnings. With each spin, players have the opportunity to land winning combinations or trigger bonus rounds that can lead to significant payouts. While luck undoubtedly plays a crucial role in determining the outcome, employing certain strategies, such as effective bankroll management and selecting pokies with higher payout percentages, can help maximize your chances of winning. It’s vital to approach real money online pokies with a responsible mindset, setting limits, and enjoying the gameplay within your means.

Captivating Themes and Features:
Another captivating aspect of real money online pokies is the immense variety of themes and features they offer. From classic fruit machines to thrilling quests and slots inspired by popular movies, there’s a pokie to suit every interest and preference. The immersive graphics, engaging sound effects, and interactive bonus rounds transport players into captivating virtual worlds, elevating the overall gaming experience. Whether you’re seeking the nostalgia of traditional pokies or the adrenaline rush of modern video slots, real money online pokies present a diverse and captivating gaming landscape.

Choosing Reputable Online Casinos:
To ensure a safe and enjoyable gaming experience, it is vital to select reputable online casinos that offer real money online pokies. Look for licensed and regulated platforms that employ advanced encryption technology to safeguard your personal and financial information. Reputable casinos also undergo regular audits to ensure fairness in gameplay and provide transparent terms and conditions. Conducting thorough research and reading reviews from fellow players can assist you in identifying trustworthy online casinos that offer a wide selection of high-quality real money online pokies.

The world of casino gaming presents an unforgettable escape, filled with excitement, entertainment, and the prospect of winning real money. Real money online pokies have emerged as a popular choice among players due to their accessibility, diverse themes, and potential for substantial winnings. By choosing reputable online casinos and practicing responsible gambling, players can immerse themselves in the thrilling realm of real money online pokies and experience the joy and excitement of hitting that winning spin. So, get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey as you buckle up, spin the reels, and dive into the captivating world of real money online pokies.

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What hardware pieces should you prioritize when building a PC for work? https://bubblemark.com/what-hardware-pieces-should-you-prioritize-when-building-a-pc-for-work/ https://bubblemark.com/what-hardware-pieces-should-you-prioritize-when-building-a-pc-for-work/#respond Wed, 05 Oct 2022 08:13:19 +0000 https://bubblemark.com/?p=207 Building a PC that will suit your working needs is a complicated task for people who are new to that. We can understand that, as there are so many different components, and each of them is responsible for its own little job. But if we look at each of those components separately, it would be […]

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Building a PC that will suit your working needs is a complicated task for people who are new to that. We can understand that, as there are so many different components, and each of them is responsible for its own little job. But if we look at each of those components separately, it would be much easier for you to understand your priorities.

Graphic card

A graphic card is an irreplaceable PC component responsible for putting pixels in a certain order on your screen. If your computer doesn’t have a graphic card, it wouldn’t even launch.

Graphic cards come with different stats. If you are planning to use your computer for working with graphics, editing videos, photos, etc., you will need a powerful GPU (Graphic Processor Unit – Graphic Card). But your task is to build a PC for coding and programming, you will do well with a mediocre GPU. And if you ever want to kick back and spin some free fruit games of chance, this machine should have enough power for that.

But if your task is to build a PC for crypto mining, you will need plenty of computing power from the GPU. In such cases, users build unique “farms” consisting of multiple GPUs.


The motherboard is your PC’s foundation, a piece you place all your other hardware on. So, it needs to match your other details. For example, if you are building a platform on the Ryzen processor, look for motherboards with a matching chipset. Or you want to have multiple drives on your computer. Each motherboard can support a certain amount of drives due to the limited number of connectors. The same rule is applied to RAM, graphic cards, fans, etc.

When it comes to power, the motherboard doesn’t produce any of it on its own. But it handles it and gets hot due to that. So if you want a high-power PC (or even overclock it), you need good cooling on your power circuits.


RAM is an essential part of your computer, just like the motherboard or the GPU/CPU. For comfortable PC usage, you need to have at least 8 Gb RAM nowadays. But if you are building a platform for hard tasks (editing, programming, etc.), your PC needs to have more. While a programming platform can do well with just 16 Gb, a PC for editing will need more (you will achieve a comfortable editing process with at least 32 GB RAM).


And the last PC part that is a part of its core is a central processor unit (CPU). This piece is involved during all the tasks completed by your machine and works together with many other PC elements.

All your other PC components will differ based on the CPU you chose. So you can go with a Ryzen or Intel processor. Intel is more of a casual choice that doesn’t require much additional work from a person who builds a PC. While Ryzen has some preferences like it works better with faster RAM (3200 GHz is an optimal point to start). You should also know that both these processors have different chipsets. So you will be unable to put an Intel processor into the Ryzen CPU socket, and vice versa.

If you don’t need any computing power from the GPU on your PC, you can avoid purchasing it by getting a processor with an integrated GPU. Both Ryzen and Intel have such options, and their GPU power should be enough to comfortably run any Casino Online Romania you would like.


Your platform must have the drive to store data (which is essential for a PC). Drives can have a different amount of space, directly influencing their price. Traditionally, a default space amount for a drive is 1TB, which should be enough for casual users. But if you know that your PC has to store lots of data, you should look for at least a couple of TB.

There are also a few drive types: HDD and SSD. HDD is a default hard drive that is not very fast when it comes to data loading. But if you want a real loading speed, you should look for an SDD. But remember that SDDs are much more expensive than HDDs.

PC Case

The PC case will be a home to all of the computer parts. Therefore, the case must have good cable management capabilities by creating many holes and compartments. You should also match your case to the form factor of your motherboard (ATX, miniATX, etc.). And remember that a PC case has to facilitate a good airflow from the fans you will place inside it.

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How to secure your network: The most effective methods https://bubblemark.com/how-to-secure-your-network-the-most-effective-methods/ https://bubblemark.com/how-to-secure-your-network-the-most-effective-methods/#respond Wed, 05 Oct 2022 08:10:08 +0000 https://bubblemark.com/?p=203 Every experienced network holder knows that the first task you need to utilize within your digital environment is security measures. Due to the current amount of network flaws occurring naturally, every system that was not protected is vulnerable. But what are the best protection tools? The answer to that question can be found below in […]

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Every experienced network holder knows that the first task you need to utilize within your digital environment is security measures. Due to the current amount of network flaws occurring naturally, every system that was not protected is vulnerable. But what are the best protection tools? The answer to that question can be found below in the convenient list form; get ready!

Penetration testing

What do you think about ethically hacking your network to determine how vulnerable to real hacker attacks it is? Regardless of your thoughts, it is an extremely effective method to define your system’s vulnerabilities, allowing you to fix them later. This method is called penetration testing.

To conduct this procedure, a particular company uses the services of a professional programmer who does the ethical hacking himself. Sometimes such programmers work in pairs or use additional automated hacking software to put the highest pressure on your system. While ethical hacking is conducted, your system’s security team should work to prevent possible data breaches and system security issues.

Once the penetration testing is done, you will be given a special document called a report. In it, you will find information about all the vulnerabilities which were found during the test. As a result, you can start working on remediating these flaws to improve your network’s protection greatly.

Penetration testing is a complex process that takes lots of resources. Thus, it takes at least a couple of days to complete and a lot of money. So if you do not own a major digital company, you might want to use some other tools from our compilation.

Vulnerability testing

Many people often confuse vulnerability testing with penetration testing. Yes, those are similar tools, but if you examine them more closely, you will find many differences. And the main one is that vulnerability testing is not using a real person who checks your security. Instead, it is an entirely automated software that uses databases of the most known vulnerabilities and scans your system to find those.

There are plenty of different software to conduct vulnerability testing, and every user will find one suitable for him. Furthermore, some of those programs can be obtained completely for free, making vulnerability testing a security method accessible for everyone.

So as you see, vulnerability testing is more of a casual way to scan your network to find its flaws. It will suit more people who want to take an initial step in securing their digital environment without spending much money.

Code audit

As we all know, every piece of digital data we see on the screen has a code behind it. Bad coding can entail many issues and open possibilities for cybercriminals to take advantage of your valuable data. That is why every network owner should pay very close attention to the quality of their code.

So if you want to ensure that your code has no flaws and doesn’t have an open window for a hacker attack, you can apply a code review procedure. To utilize the code audit, a special company hires a team of programming professionals who will thoughtfully approach reviewing your code. Their complex routine usually includes:

  • Reviewing your soft architecture;
  • Carefully read through your network’s entire code;
  • Giving you a report on the issues they have managed to find;

Code audit utilizes an entire team of professional workers, but it also gives corresponding results. Unfortunately, such an approach makes the price of the code audit pretty high, and it also takes lots of time.

Utilize VPNs

VPN is a wonderful tool to give devices within your network full-fledged internet freedom and protect you from data theft. As a network owner, you should know better than anyone that hiding your IP address can ruin many hacker attack schemes. With a VPN, hackers would be unable to track your deeds, making it harder for them to react to your counteractions.

Hire a good security team

A team of good security professionals is a top-notch decision to set better system defenses. A good team will always define how they act in unconventional situations, making it hard for hackers to catch you off guard. Such groups can also do most of the processes mentioned previously on their own, excluding the need to appeal to third parties.

But if you don’t own a big enough company that has lots of personal data and money flowing inside, hiring a security team might be too pricey for your business.

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Methods to protect user data in Canadian online casinos https://bubblemark.com/methods-to-protect-user-data-in-canadian-online-casinos/ https://bubblemark.com/methods-to-protect-user-data-in-canadian-online-casinos/#respond Fri, 12 Aug 2022 13:36:10 +0000 https://bubblemark.com/?p=200 It’s no secret that everyone loves movies in which a good, suave player (or team of players) swindles a famous casino out of millions of dollars. Such, movies provided a sense of thrill and wonder, as well as incredibly slick and deceptive stunts, which made them extremely enjoyable to watch. But, in real life, cybercriminals, […]

The post Methods to protect user data in Canadian online casinos appeared first on Bubblemark.

It’s no secret that everyone loves movies in which a good, suave player (or team of players) swindles a famous casino out of millions of dollars. Such, movies provided a sense of thrill and wonder, as well as incredibly slick and deceptive stunts, which made them extremely enjoyable to watch. But, in real life, cybercriminals, especially in Canada, where you could say the silicon valley for various kinds of web developers, use much more serious weapons in particular various vulnerabilities, exploits and security holes in the server or server operating system.

However, movies are nothing like real life. In real life, these movie “heroes” actually create problems not only for the online casino, but also for you, as a customer and a gambler of the gambling establishment, who just wants to spend his free time well at his favorite games in the online casino.

Technology has turned online gambling into an industry that no other business can compete with. With millions of dollars scrolling through every day, online casinos have become the target of many fraudsters. Many hackers are in the business of trying to hack the account of an online betting site.

Online casino players have to share a lot of their personal information when they connect to a gambling site, and they are at risk if the site does not protect them properly. Their money, personal and sensitive information, and their identity are all at stake, which is why an online gambling site that takes cybersecurity very seriously is the most successful in the online gambling industry.

Published a ranking of the Best Canadian Gambling Sites using the latest in cybersecurity technology. These gambling establishments spend hundreds of thousands of Canadian dollars to update and integrate new methods to ensure the security and safety of user data.

What is identity theft?

A person’s identity is very important, and people take protecting it very seriously. Stealing personal information and using it for fraud, illegal activities, money laundering, etc. These are all serious cases of identity theft. Cybersecurity officers deal with identity theft all the time, and it is considered a serious crime. When you register with a site that has no security, your data becomes vulnerable and falls into the hands of cybercriminals. With your information they get into your account and act on your behalf, this is called identity theft, and with this stolen identity they commit many illegal actions that cause you great harm, such as when you need to make a withdrawal from a casino.

How to protect yourself from identity theft

Every online gambling site has to invest a lot in perfect security for their site to keep their customers safe. Identity verification should be taken very seriously. To prevent unpleasant incidents, the online gambling industry is taking serious steps to ensure customer safety. Here are a few steps you can use to protect yourself from identity theft:

  • Research the information well and choose a reputable platform for your gambling. Familiarize yourself with free spins to understand how legitimate casinos work and how they distribute bonuses.
  • Make sure your information is encrypted so no one can access it.
  • Don’t give your login details to anyone
  • Make sure the site has strong cybersecurity measures
  • Use a strong password to make your account difficult to hack.
  • Make sure the site you choose is licensed, verified, and validated.
  • Follow the above points and protect yourself from identity theft, and don’t become a vulnerable target by choosing sites that don’t take cybersecurity seriously. And don’t forget about antivirus software. You can find it at antivirus.

How to check that an online casino has a good level of cybersecurity

Even though online gambling is developing by leaps and bounds, people are still skeptical about taking the first step to gambling online. There are various reasons why we should be careful when gambling online. Once we provide our confidential information, we become vulnerable and fraudulent agents use it for illegal purposes. Therefore, before registering on a gambling site, it is necessary to check all the data. Many sites have all the security details listed on the site itself. You can scroll down the page and also find them in the FAQ section, because most customers like to get answers to these questions.

Play your favorite games, but on a secure platform

People from all walks of life have access to online gambling in Canada. Rich and not-so-rich and even low-income people register with online gambling sites. Security is very important to all of them, and many successful gambling sites provide their customers with sufficient security and privacy. Gambling sites make sure that their customers are well protected; reputable sites always invest heavily in security measures because a small mistake can lead to liability for identity theft, credit card theft, money laundering and other illegal activities. Therefore, it will be good if you choose a site that takes customer security very seriously. Choose a safe online casino in Canada where you can play your favorite games without worrying about security. If you want our recommendations, you can follow the link to our detailed review of all online casinos in Canada that have undergone an expert check on the level of user data protection.

Cybersecurity is a pressing issue for the gambling industry

Today, against the background of the crisis due to Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, in which the whole world is implicitly involved, cybersecurity is one of the most pressing issues. Therefore, we advise you to read our article and use our tips to ensure the security and privacy of your data.

The most common sources of such information are poorly secured online financial transaction channels. Canadian players risk their personal data by purchasing services and goods online or having fun gambling on unlicensed operators’ platforms.

Risks for customers and companies

How to protect yourself from leaks of personal information:

  1. Before you start gambling, study licensed slot machines in Canada on special resources. Choose only online casinos that use high-quality software for entertainment. Safe leisure guarantees reading expert analysis on slots popular providers, such as a review of slot machines Igrosoft.
  2. Enter bank card details only on secure sites of trusted companies.
  3. Connect SMS-notification of payment transactions.
  4. Conduct financial transactions through safe gateways of payment systems. Such resources redirect the user to the bank’s site and send an individual code in an SMS message to confirm the transaction.
  5. Use different complex passwords for personal accounts on websites.

Today, no Canadian company connected to the network is 100% safe from cyberattacks. Both small businesses and international gambling companies are equally susceptible to hacking. It’s a matter of potential gain for enemy hackers.

After gaining access to users’ accounts, criminals use the information to hack their emails and bank accounts. More often than not, the information is resold to third parties or used for personal gain. A gambling company risks significant reputational damage and loss of customer trust.

The key risk for users in terms of loss of personal data is posed by unlicensed gambling operators. iGaming is a competitive industry and shady companies seek to gain an unfair advantage over other commercial organizations. Such casinos are unable to provide customers with quality support, buy licensed software or use a reliable platform. So they pay hackers and hurt competitors.

With market instability and global inflation, the shadow gambling business has become especially active. Websites run targeted ads touting tempting offers for Canadian players. It is not worth it to register and play on unlicensed sites promising big winnings.

To conclude

Ensuring information security is one of the key tasks of a business. The security of gambling establishments in Canada, should be both at the technical level, which includes all the necessary tools to protect the infrastructure, and at the organizational level – the company employees should always be aware of the latest news in the field of information literacy and current methods used by cybercriminals. Only a comprehensive and proactive approach to IS will achieve a high level of security and keep sensitive data within the organization.

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Choose the right RAID controller https://bubblemark.com/choose-the-right-raid-controller/ https://bubblemark.com/choose-the-right-raid-controller/#respond Mon, 01 Aug 2022 11:29:36 +0000 https://bubblemark.com/?p=197 A RAID controller is not something that everyone needs, but if you are involved in building and maintaining computer information systems, you probably know something about this “wonder of technology”. A few years ago many people had not heard anything about them at all, but today they are present in almost any mid-level server. A […]

The post Choose the right RAID controller appeared first on Bubblemark.

A RAID controller is not something that everyone needs, but if you are involved in building and maintaining computer information systems, you probably know something about this “wonder of technology”. A few years ago many people had not heard anything about them at all, but today they are present in almost any mid-level server.

A RAID controller is an element of a computer system that provides fault tolerance in case of a disk drive failure and also increases the performance of the disk subsystem. Everyone probably understands why this is important, but let’s look at some aspects of the problem.

In spite of the fact that MTBF of modern high-end discs is enormous (more than 100 years), practice shows that they still fail. There are a number of objective reasons for this – the life of disks is affected by unstable power supply, vibration and on/off cycles, as well as temperature violations. In addition, there is some possibility of factory defects. So, if you want to protect your data and avoid downtime, you can’t do without a RAID system.

As for the performance of the disk subsystem, the problem is that it lags far behind other elements of the computer. The situation can be described as a crisis of I/O of the secondary storage system. Inability to significantly increase technological parameters of magnetic disks entails the need to find other ways, one of which is parallel processing. In some cases, the use of a RAID controller to provide increased performance is even the first priority (e.g., for video editing), and system fault tolerance is a secondary factor.

There are three basic implementations of RAID systems:

  • Software-based;
  • Hardware – bus-based;
  • Hardware – autonomous subsystem (subsystem-based).

Each of the above implementations is based on software code execution. They differ in fact in where this code is executed: in the computer’s CPU (software implementation) or in a specialized processor on a RAID controller (hardware implementation).

Simple RAID levels 0 and 1 are usually implemented in software, as they do not require significant computation, but sometimes RAID 5 is also implemented. Given these peculiarities, software RAID systems are used in entry-level servers. But there are also more interesting software implementations, such as Adaptive RAID, which dynamically changes the way data is displayed depending on its nature and usage dynamics.

Hardware RAID controllers usually implement the full range of standard levels, and sometimes have a number of additional features. The most powerful, high-end systems can auto-configure and automatically select RAID levels and distribute data in real time.

Let’s take a look at the major RAID controller vendors that are available in the distribution and OEM markets.

The powers that be

Among the strongest worlds of PCI-to-SCSI RAID controllers are Adaptec, AMI (American Megatrends), DPT (Distributed Processing Technology), Mylex. Then there is perhaps IFT (Infortrend Technology), better known in the OEM market than in the distribution market. It should also be noted Compaq which, today, is the No. 1 RAID controller manufacturer due to the use of its controllers in its own servers, but only because of this. Vortex can be attributed to sufficiently powerful manufacturers, it has a significant share of the German market of RAID controllers, but outside of it the share of this manufacturer is negligible.

On the world market of distribution and OEM, the most widespread Mylex and AMI, where the first dominates with a significant gap, thanks to well-developed distribution channels.

A slightly different situation with SCSI-to-SCSI controllers. As they are oriented on more expensive and less widespread external solutions, you can see them in the price lists of accessories quite rarely. If we talk about what can be found in storage systems most often, it is Infortrend and Mylex. CMD Technology and Digi-Data are also quite strong. For a long time Digi-Data has been the manufacturer of the fastest controllers on the mass market.

Of course, we should not forget that there are very strong solutions from vendors of complete storage solutions – Digital (now, part of Compaq), Andataco, Hitachi, Storage Computer and others, but they are of interest as complete systems, and that is the topic of another article.

Adaptec – SCSI fashion legislator and a leader in SCSI adapters, but in the RAID controller market it is not. In spite of this, the ARO series of RAID upgrade controllers is quite popular due to its exceptionally low price.

This series is represented by the ARO-1130CA, ARO-1130SA cards. They are designed for use on motherboards with Adaptec’s AIC-7880, AIC-7895 integrated SCSI chips and are to be installed on 32-bit PCI + RAIDport II connectors. The ARO-1130 CA supports RAID levels 0 and 1, and the ARO-1130SA supports RAID levels 0, 1 and 5. The disadvantages of using these solutions are their relatively low performance (these controllers do not use specialized processors to process I/O requests), a low number of features and a small set of drivers (Windows and Netware). Another problem with this series is incomplete BIOS compatibility with the motherboards that “support” them, so it is better to buy them from motherboard manufacturers who guarantee the compatibility of the products they sell.

AAA series controllers differ from ARO series by the presence of SCSI chips, so they can be used in motherboards without RAID port. AAA-131, AAA-133 cards (the difference is in the number of channels, respectively one and three) are supplied by Adaptec to distributor market, AAA-132 are available only for OEM.

Recently, Adaptec has introduced new RAID controllers supporting Ultra 2 SCSI interface. Among them are old series AAA and ARO (ARO-1130U2 can be used in motherboards with integrated Adaptec Ultra 2 SCSI controller and RAID port III, also UnixWare support appeared). As well as the new AAC-364 controllers, it is a 64 bit RAID controller with integrated powerful StrongARM® 233 MHz microprocessor and four Ultra 2 SCSI channels (two internal connectors and four external). It supports 128 M ECC cache memory and a Battery backup module, unlike its smaller counterparts. But its disadvantage is still the driver support only in Windows and Netware systems.

Adaptec also produces AEC-4312A and AEC-7312A series SCSI-to-SCSI controllers, they, like AAA series products, are rather simple and are used in entry level storage systems. Both models use AMD 5X86 processor, 133 MHz and support two Ultra SCSI disk channels each. The AEC-4312A model uses a single host channel with single ended or differential SCSI and Fast, or Ultra SCSI protocols, and the AEC-7312A model uses a single Fibre Channel host channel.

American Megatrends entered the RAID market in mid-1995. In 1996, AMI’s MegaRAID controller series outperformed its competitors in every way, and in early 1997, AMI became the leading supplier of PCI SCSI RAID controllers to OEMs. The OEM orientation for AMI is original, today more than 80% of world leading manufacturers use its controllers, but two years ago it entered the distributor market and its products became available through a network of resellers and distributors.

The main thing that AMI MegaRAID controllers have in common is high reliability, quality and the largest number of features compared to competitors’ products. When it comes to MegaRAID performance, they are almost always on the TPC Top Ten List and sometimes make up the vast majority.

Five models of AMI MegaRAID PCI RAID controllers are available today – 762, 466, 428, 434, 438. 

The MegaRAID Express 762 series are Zero channel PCI RAID upgrade controllers for motherboards with integrated Symbios Logic SCSI controllers (including the Intel T440BX, NA440BX, NC440BX, SC450NX, AMI MegaRUM, MegaRUM II). 

It supports RAID levels 0, 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, 50, JBOD (this also applies to other MegaRAID controllers) and can contain up to 128 MB of memory cache. Unlike Adaptec ARO controllers, the Express series can be installed on platforms with both conventional Ultra SCSI and Ultra2 SCSI (LVD). 

The 466-series MegaRAID Express Plus controller differs from the 762-series controller in that, it can be installed in any motherboard, as it has an integrated SCSI chip Symbios Logic 53C895 (LVDS/SE). Both series have an integrated dedicated i960 I/O processor.

The disadvantages of the Express models are the inability to connect a BBU and the slower performance compared to full-featured devices.

Series MegaRAID 428 – is AMI’s classic full-featured RAID controller that combines high reliability, scalability and clustering support. It is available in single, dual and triple channel versions and supports up to 128MB of cache memory, which can be installed in two slots. The 428, 434 and 438 series, have BBU connectivity.

The 434 series differs from the 428 with a more powerful I/O processor and newer SCSI chips from Symbios Logic and no longer has built-in connectors for 50-pin cables. Unlike the 428 series, the 434 does not have clustering support, AMI decided to implement it in the next series, the 438. 

The MegaRAID Ultra2 LVD series 438 only comes in two- and three-channel variants and has a number of innovations over its predecessor: Ultra2, I2O and clustering support. However, it only supports 64 MB of memory cache as a standard implementation. 

Today it also comes with a version 438-H, which has better performance than the 438th controller thanks to a new specialized driver which, unfortunately, is designed only for Windows NT (in reality, except for the driver it does not differ from the usual 438-series).

From reliable sources recently reported that AMI is preparing to release several new products. Very soon there should be Express 300, Enterprise 1500, Enterprise 2000, and the first external Fiber-to-LVD RAID controller from AMI – Explorer 500. (At the time of writing, AMI was announcing the Explorer 500 and Enterprise 1500). All of the new products combine state-of-the-art technologies such as Ultra2 SCSI, SDRAM and will be several times faster than previous models. 

Below is a brief summary of the features of the new MegaRAID models:

ParameterExpress 300Enterprise 1500Enterprise 2000Explorer 500
Processori960RM 100MHzi960RN 100MHzRISC 250MHz*i960RN 100MHz
Кэш (SDRAM)до 128M, 66MHzдо 128M, 66MHzдо 128M, 100MHzдо 128M, 66MHz
Host bus32 bit PCI64 bit PCI64 bit PCI2 x Fiber Channel
I2OYes Yes NoNo
ClusteringYes Yes Yes Yes 
Hot Plug PCINoNoYes No
BBU NoNoYesYesYes

Please note!

  • 64bit 250MHz RISC Processor with AMI Companion Chip
  • One Ultra2 SCSI channel on the controller + two channels on the motherboard

With a strong team of software developers, AMI has provided support for its controllers for all major operating systems. The standard package includes Novell Netware, Windows NT, SCO Unix, SCO Openserver, Unixware, Linux Redhat, Solaris, OS/2 Warp, MS DOS. By special request, support is provided for virtually any specialized system, there are also implementations for Banyan Vines and 64-bit Windows NT for ALPHA processors. In addition, the drivers for UNIX systems, including Solaris and Linux are the best performing among the competitors.

One of the problems of AMI is weak production capacity, as well as fairly high cost of products, but it should be noted that all products of this manufacturer is provided with 5-year warranty and have almost no defects.

DPT RAID controllers are known for their modality, performance and strong support of various operating systems. The list of supported operating systems includes almost all the most common ones – Novell Netware, Windows NT, SCO Unix, SCO Openserver, Unixware, Linux Redhat, OS/2 Warp, Win 95/98.

This year, DPT began shipping its fifth generation of RAID controllers – Smart RAID V. They are presented in three different series – Decade, Century and Millennium. SmartRAID V features DPT’s exclusive P3 (Parallel Pipeline Processing) technology, which allows you to process I/O commands in parallel and many other features convenient for array administration. In addition, DPT offers a fairly wide range of options for the use of Fiber Channel interface. Almost all models of new generation have variant of realization with this interface or can be extended with additional cards supporting Fiber Channel interface.

DPT controllers support RAID 0, 1, 0+1, 5, 0+5 and are among the most productive devices on the market. According to the Head of Sales and Marketing, the senior Millennium model is 4 times faster than the previous generation controllers, and is ahead of all competitors.

Millennium is positioned by DPT as a controller for enterprise servers. It has a very high performance (the central mechanism is implemented on i960HD-66MHz) and quite wide capabilities: it supports up to 3 Ultra2 SCSI or 2 Fiber channels, up to 256 MB of cache memory, is available in 32bit and 64bit PCI variants and has the possibility to connect the Battery Backup module (64bit variant only).

Century – are mid-range performance controllers at a competitive price. This model supports up to 64 MB of memory cache and is available for 32bit PCI in variants with 3 Ultra2 SCSI channels or one Fiber channel and one Ultra2 SCSI channel. Unlike Millennium, Century (as well as Decade) does not support BBU.

The Decade model is intended for use as an Entry Level RAID controller, is slower than the Century and is only available in a single channel Ultra2 SCSI variant. It supports 4 Mbytes of cache memory, which can be expanded to 64 Mbytes by installing a special expansion card.

As for the modularity – this is an exclusive feature of DPT RAID controllers, which allows the user, buying the basic solution, to expand it in the future using special expansion cards. They allow you to expand the capabilities of the used controller by adding one or two Ultra2 SCSI or one Fiber channel. 

In addition to RAID controllers, DPT also produces a line of intelligent SCSI controllers with built-in I/O processor i960. When you connect a RAID Accelerator Module card to them, this controller becomes a RAID controller. Thus, the user saves on the fact that he invests his money in hardware as needed. It should also be noted that all SmartRAID V RAID controllers support I2O technology.

Mylex is the undisputed sales leader in the PCI SCSI RAID controller market. Last year Mylex had a market share of about 55%. Sales are conducted for both the OEM and distribution markets. Mylex PCI SCSI RAID controllers quite often top the TPC Top Ten List, proving their high performance.

Mylex categorizes the RAID controllers it manufactures into three groups.

  1. Low Cost RAID – a family of low-cost PCI RAID controllers, for lower-level servers and high-performance workstations. These include the AcceleRAID 150, 200 and 250 models. All of them are RAID upgrade controllers and can be used on motherboards with integrated Symbios Logic SCSI controller (like AMI MegaRAID Express series), but at the same time, 150 and 250 models have integrated SCSI chip and can be used in platforms without RAID port functions. They support RAID levels 0, 1, 0+1, 3, 5, 30, 50, JBOD, cache memory from 4 to 64 MB (AcceleRAID 150 – maximum 4 MB) and 32 bit Hot plug PCI.
  1. High Performance RAID – intelligent I/O solutions for mid- to high-end servers with high fault tolerance and easy management. These include the eXtremeRAID 1100, DAC960PJ / DAC960PG controllers. They have a fairly large number of opportunities to administer RAID and provide performance at the level required for enterprise servers. 

The PJ and PG models do not differ much, except that the first is integrated more powerful processor – Intel i960RD in contrast to the Intel i960RP, which is integrated in the PG. The eXtremeRAID 1100 is the first implementation of the Mylex RAID controller for 64bit PCI (although its internal architecture remains 32-bit). 

The eXtremeRAID 1100 has a StrongArm SA 110, 233MHz processor integrated to handle I/O requests, making it one of the most powerful PCI-to-SCSI controllers available today. Along with these benefits, the eXtremeRAID 1100 is certified for cluster systems running Windows NT Enterprise Edition.

Mylex has provided support for its PCI-to-SCSI controllers for the most common server operating systems such as: Novell Netware, Windows NT, SCO Unix, SCO Openserver, Unixware, Linux Redhat, Win 95/98.

The disadvantage of Mylex PCI-to-SCSI solutions is a relatively low MTBF of 200,000 hours, while most competitor models have this figure ranging from 350,000 to 500,000 hours.

  1. External RAID Mylex solutions are high-speed and optimally flexible solutions for the most demanding enterprise and mid-range server systems. They are ideal for Storage Area Networking and server clustering.

The Mylex line of external RAID controllers includes 5 basic models (we will not consider the SU model as obsolete).

CPU (i960)RD 33MHz2 x RD 66MHz2 x RD 66MHzRN 100MHz
Host bus1(2) Ultra SCSI2 x FC2 x FC2 x FC
Drive bus2(5) Ultra SCSI4(6) Ultra SCSI4 x Ultra2 SCSI4 x FС
Burst IO1’8004’1004’1005’800
Transfer30 MB/s52 MB/s52 MB/s190 MB/s

Please note!

  • Minimum and maximum (in parentheses) number of host channels for the model.
  • Minimum and maximum (in parentheses) number of disk channels for the model.
  • Maximum I/O processing speed.
  • Continuous disk transfer rate, is actually the maximum continuous transfer rate available, while the peak rate can reach the maximum possible value for the total throughput of the host channels.
  • Maximum number of disks connected to a single controller.

IFT (Infortrend technology) – has been in the RAID market since 1992. It was organized as a company for the development and production of high-reliability and high-performance controllers. Thanks to interesting ideas and low prices it managed to win quite a big share of the OEM market. Its customers include companies like Amaquest (http://www.amaqest.com.tw/) and ASUStek (http://www.asus.com.tw/), among many others.

IFT makes a single model of PCI-to-SCSI controllers 2101UA/B (A – 1 channel, B – 2 channels) which has recently been extended with an implementation supporting Ultra 2 (which also uses a more powerful processor). They use x86 series processors for I/O (2101U – 486DX4 100MHz; 2101U2 – AMD 5×86 133 MHz), which makes them quite attractive for entry level systems, due to good price/performance ratio. IFT PCI-to-SCSI controllers have very good driver support, there are drivers for them written for Novell Netware, Windows NT, Win95/98, OS/2 Warp, SCO Unix, SCO Openserver, Unixware, Linux, SUN Solaris.

As for subsystem-based RAID controllers, the IFT is doing much better. The Infortrend SCSI-to-SCSI product line includes a large number of models ranging from simple 2-channel in 3.5″ form factor to 9-channel models with fiber optic host channels. Although IFT RAID controllers are not industry benchmarks for performance, they combine high reliability with an excellent price/performance ratio and have earned their place in entry level and mid-range systems.

Models Series 3101 (3.5 “entry level) are simple enough, have a few channels (from 2 to 4), and like all external controllers of this manufacturer are Multihost. The 3102 series (5.25”, mid-range) is more robust and easy to integrate, according to the manufacturer, and also has a wider range of expansion capabilities.

The IFT controllers are modular. The 3102 series includes four models, the 3102U and 3102UG, and the newer 3102U2 and 3102U2G. All of these models use SCSI channels in the basic version and are Multihost controllers (unlike the classic Multihost implementation which assumes that any channel can be used for host connection, or for disk connection).

CPU5×86 133MHz486 100MHz486 100MHz5×86 133MHz5×86 133MHz
Cache, to128Mb128Mb128Mb128Mb128Mb
InterfaceUltra2 SCSIUltra SCSIUltra SCSIUltra2 SCSIUltra2 SCSI
Channels2 channels3 channels4 channels3 channels4 channels
Expandable4 channels8 channels9 channels6 channels8 channels

Please note!

  • Channel interface of the base module;
  • Each channel can be used for host communication or drive connection;
  • Maximum number of channels after ramping.

Each model can be expanded using daughter boards. The set of such boards for each model of the same series is very similar. As an example, let’s look at the expansion options of the most modern model 3102U2G.

  1. IFT-9174: 4 x 68-pin Ultra2 Wide SCSI (with termination);
  2. IFT-9174-N: 4 x 68-pin Ultra2 Wide SCSI (no termination);
  3. IFT-9174U2D: 2 x 68-pin Ultra2 Wide SCSI and 2 x 68-pin Ultra Wide SCSI (with termination);
  4. IFT-9174U2D-N: 2 x 68-pin Ultra2 Wide SCSI and 2 x 68-pin Ultra Wide differential (no termination);
  5. IFT-9174U2F: 2 x 68-pin Ultra Wide, single ended & 2 x single loop Fibre channels* (with termination);
  6. IFT-9174U2F-N: 2 x 68-pin Ultra2 Wide SCSI and 2 x single loop Fibre channels (no termination).

Please note!

  • Two single loop fiber channels can be used as one dual loop channel.

The disadvantage of Infortrend still remains the lack of high-performance controllers, designed for high rates of constant continuous transfer.

CMD Technology, in contrast to the above companies, produces RAID controllers only in the form of standalone subsystems (SCSI-to-SCSI RAID). This American manufacturer has long been a supplier of external RAID controllers for Digital storage systems, which undoubtedly characterizes it as a manufacturer of high-quality, reliable and fast devices.

The CMD product line includes models targeted at OEMs, resellers and system integrators for entry-level, mid-level and high-end storage applications. We take a brief look at models designed for use by resellers and system integrators (including small OEMs).

The Viper II series includes the CRD-5440, CRD5500, and CRD-564X models. It supports RAID levels 0, 1, 0+1, 4, 5. The CRD-5440 model is designed for use by integrators and resellers in entry level and mid-range systems. The CRD-5440 controllers use four SCSI channels (interface: Ultra SCSI Low Voltage Differential (LVD), Single Ended (SE) or High Voltage Differential (LVD)), which can be used for both host connection and drive connection. A 32-bit RISC 40 Mhz LR33310 (MIPS R3000 core) processor with an internal transfer ratio of 80Mb/s and supports a cache memory up to 256Mb is used to process I/O commands.

The CRD-5500 is targeted at high-speed, high-reliability and fault-tolerant storage systems. The architecture of the CRD5500 is organized as an Active/Active fault tolerant modular controller based on the same processor as the CRD-5400, but unlike its competitors, it is built in such a way that in Active/Active configuration the data transfer ratio is quite high and is approximately 1.7 of nominal. The CRD5500 is modular and can be configured with up to four host and eight drive connection channels and offers up to 512MB cache memory.

The CRD-564X is designed to provide the highest level of data integrity and availability in entry-to-midrange systems. The CRD-564X is a fault-tolerant, off-the-shelf Viper II RAID controller. Like all other devices in this series, the CRD-564X uses a 40 Mhz LR 33310 I/O processor and supports RAID 0, 1, 0+1, 4, 5, and supports four Ultra SCSI channels. 

An important feature is support for CMD Auto Rebuild technology. If a single controller fails (the CRD-564X consists of two controllers connected one to one in the same chassis) and is replaced, this technology automatically returns the failover controller (meaning the entire CRD-564X unit) to the state it was in before the failure, without user intervention. In addition, every part of the controller is a hot pluggable device (hot swappable).

Titan CRA-7280 – the latest series of RAID controllers. The Titan architecture combines Fibre Channel and LVD Ultra2 SCSI technologies. This series is focused on RAID systems for Storage Area Network (SAN) applications. 

The CRA-7280 is a high-speed, high-reliability, redundant controller for mid- to high-end systems, it features CMD Auto Rebuild technology, and comes in a 3U 19″ Rackmount chassis for easy integration into a 19″ rack. 

The Titan controller architecture is based on a 233 MHz SA-110 StrongARM RISC CPU with an internal 32-bit and 64-bit data bus and SDRAM support. The CRA-7280 uses two Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loops (FCAL) host interfaces in copper, single-mode or multi-mode fiber implementations and supports up to a 1Gb memory cache.

Digi-Data – American manufacturer of SCSI-to-SCSI RAID controllers, which for a long time were the fastest among the devices of their class. Digi-Data has been working in the storage market since 1960. The company began producing RAID controllers in 1992, and has since earned a reputation as a manufacturer of high-quality, reliable devices.

Today, Digi-Data’s line of controllers includes the series:

  1. Z-9100 – Ultra SCSI RAID controllers;
  2. Z-9200 – Ultra2 SCSI RAID controllers;
  3. Z-9500 – Fibre Channel RAID controllers.

Digi-Data controllers are perfect for handling large data sets and continuous data streams for applications such as video or satellite stream logging.

  • The Z-9100 series includes four models: Z-9100, Z-9102, Z-9150, Z-9152. All of them use six disk channels (four for data, one for parity, one for spare disks) and support RAID levels 0, 1 and 3. The models differ in having one or two (the number 2 at the end of the model number) host interfaces and support RAID level 5;
  • The Z-9200 series consists of two models: Z-9200, Z-9250. They differ only in their support for level 5 RAID. It should also be noted that the Z-9200 series is much faster than the Z-9100. With only five Seagate Cheetah 9LP disks they achieve over 50MB/s continuous transfer, with more disks up to 60MB/s;
  • The Z-9500 series differs from the Z-9100 in that it uses Fiber Channel instead of Ultra SCSI interfaces for communication with the host machines, as well as in the increased speed. It should also be noted that all models of Digi-Data RAID controllers support up to 256 MB of memory cache.

Digi-Data products feature a number of proprietary technologies to ensure high performance and fault tolerance. Among the most interesting and useful are:

  • Full-Speed Active-Active with FASTCORE is a technology that provides increased performance of two RAID controllers combined in an Active/Active configuration. Thanks to this technology and the use of a special additional device – repeater, achieved twice the performance than when using a single controller;
  • Self Calibrating Automatic Tier Striping (SCATS) is a software technology that implements two spatial separation of data streams with optimized subblock sizes;
  • UVS (Uninterruptible Video Streaming) – technology that provides continuous data transfer in case of failure (many RAID controllers do not do this, in case of failure of a disk or cluster usually stalls);
  • Guaranteed RAID Sustained Data Transfer Rate – Digi-Data guarantees high data transfer rates for all supported levels and for various operations (both read and write).

Conclusion of the review on RAID controllers

Remember, when choosing RAID controllers do not rely only on performance figures (the real difference between the performance of similar models is usually visible on a large number of disks), the main thing to determine the key points – speed, reliability, stability, scalability, clustering support, price – and choose exactly what best meets the necessary requirements.

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Server software https://bubblemark.com/server-software/ https://bubblemark.com/server-software/#respond Wed, 20 Apr 2022 14:16:09 +0000 https://bubblemark.com/?p=170 On servers, software is installed that is required to run the site and other domain services, for maintenance and monitoring, as well as for protection against hacking and load resistance.

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On servers, software is installed that is required to run the site and other domain services, for maintenance and monitoring, as well as for protection against hacking and load resistance.

On virtual hosts, some of this is initially installed, but neither change the configuration nor add components there. On dedicated servers (including virtual ones) you can install any software you need.

On the servers used to host sites, the most popular secure and stable operating system family Linux (CentOS, RHEL, Debian, etc.) and BSD (FreeBSD). Microsoft Server also occurs, but much less frequently.

Popular server software packages
Web server.
Software that can receive user requests, process them, and send the results of processing (html pages and other files) to users. The most popular web servers are Nginx and Apache, much less common is Microsoft IIS. Sometimes two web servers are installed to increase performance: a fast Nginx server which gives users “static” documents (physically existing on the server and not requiring processing before sending), and other requests are forwarded to an application server (Apache, for example) which generates dynamic documents. There are also other high-performance bundles (Nginx + FastCGI, for example), it is better to consult with application developers and server administrators on rationality of using this or that realization.

Programming language interpreter. Component needed to execute program code on the server. It has different versions and, as a rule, extension modules. The software used on the server requires both an interpreter version and a list of installed extensions. A list of application requirements can be obtained from both the developer and the management system vendor.

DBMS – database management system: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle, Redis, MongoDB, etc.

Search engines – ElasticSearch / Sphinx – allow you to search and filter faster than is possible using relational DBMS.

FTP server. Allows access to files located on a server via FTP. Typically used for site administration (both for updating program code for an application, and to download large files that can not be downloaded through the admin panel). A safer alternative to FTP is SFTP, a protocol based on SSH and allowing encryption of transmitted and received data.

Caching servers – systems that “store” the result of requests processing and use this data in repeated requests to speed up pages generation. The most popular caching mechanisms are Memcached and Redis.

Security software ranging from common firewalls (a must) to automated intrusion detection and prevention systems.

Backup software – backups should be created regularly and automatically, and not stored on the same server as the “battle data”.

Load balancers – these are usually web servers that proxy client requests to different nodes involved in processing requests, ensuring that the load is distributed evenly across the cluster. Load balancers also handle incidents of hardware or software failure on data processing nodes – if a node stops processing data correctly, it is excluded from the load-balancing list.

Gas pedals of program code execution. Serves to improve performance, often used gas pedals for PHP: APC, eAccellerator, XCache.

Monitoring and alerting – systems that collect important system performance metrics and report problems.

E-mail services. They allow receiving and sending e-mails. It is not recommended on one machine to combine these services with the placement of the site, as on active mail domains receives a lot of mail (most of which is spam), and their receipt and processing require as server computing power, and load the communication channel – all of this can cause slowdown of the site. This recommendation does not apply to mail on shared hosting, where mail and sites are hosted on different servers.


  • When choosing shared hosting, compare the technical requirements of the management system or web application you are using to the list of features of your hosting plan.
  • When developing web applications, try to minimize the number of dependencies and do not expand the technology stack unnecessarily – the large number of technologies used increases risks and complicates maintenance processes.
  • Use the tools that are best suited to the task, for example: for search – search engines, not relational DBMS; for caching – Redis / Memcached, not a file system; for loaded services – compiled, not interpreted programming languages.
  • When setting up server software, configure services based on the power of the hardware you are using. Very often the default configurations either do not use the available computing resources properly, which reduces overall performance, or, on the contrary, may exceed the available capacity at peak times, potentially causing services to crash.
  • “Everything that is not explicitly permitted is forbidden” – this information security principle significantly reduces threats. Close publicly unused ports, try to minimize the number of services located in the DMZ, and reduce account privileges to the level needed to perform assigned tasks.
  • When using dedicated servers (including virtual ones) ensure timely software updates to ensure stability and security.
  • Automate backups. Back up not only the data but also the configuration of services in use.
  • Use configuration management systems, such as Ansible, to simplify configurations.
  • Set up monitoring of both hardware and software services. This makes it easier to troubleshoot incidents, allows you to proactively solve some problems and speeds up the response to failures.
  • Do not host mail services on the same server that hosts the site. The easiest solution for hosting mail is to use special services from Google ( google.com/apps ), these services are superior to many “mail” hosting plans and almost all “homemade” solutions.

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SSH – network protocol for server management https://bubblemark.com/network-protocol-for-server-management/ https://bubblemark.com/network-protocol-for-server-management/#respond Wed, 20 Apr 2022 14:12:27 +0000 https://bubblemark.com/?p=167 SSH or Secure Shell is an application layer network protocol that allows remote control of the operating system and tunneling of TCP connections (e.g. for file transfers).

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SSH or Secure Shell is an application layer network protocol that allows remote control of the operating system and tunneling of TCP connections (e.g. for file transfers).

SSH makes remote control of the operating system secure, since it encrypts all traffic, including transmitted passwords. It is possible to choose different encryption algorithms.

Besides the remote control, SSH allows to safely transfer almost any network protocol in an unprotected environment. Thus, you can not only remotely work on the computer through a command shell, but also to transmit an encrypted channel audio stream or video (eg webcam), to work with databases and other storage, as well as use any other protocols. Also SSH can use compression of transmitted data for their subsequent encryption, which is useful for remote clients running X Window System.

SSH clients and SSH servers are available for most network operating systems, SSH client and server are usually preinstalled in Linux family operating system distributions.

SSH security
SSH security is based on relatively simple rules that can greatly reduce the risk of hacking:

  • Prohibiting remote root access by password.
  • Blocking connection with blank password or disabling login by password (using keys).
  • Choose non-standard port for SSH server (standard is 22).
  • Use long SSH2 RSA-keys (2048 bits or more) for authentication.
  • Limiting the list of IP addresses from which access is allowed (for example, by blocking the port at the firewall level).
  • Avoid using common or well-known system logins for SSH access.
  • Password brute-forcing attempts (IP ban, for example).
  • Regularly reviewing authentication error messages.
  • Setting up intrusion detection systems (IDS).
  • Using traps which spoof SSH service (honeypot).

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Where to grow up as a sysadmin? https://bubblemark.com/where-to-grow-up-as-a-sysadmin/ https://bubblemark.com/where-to-grow-up-as-a-sysadmin/#respond Wed, 20 Apr 2022 14:09:29 +0000 https://bubblemark.com/?p=164 The last Friday in July is System Administrator Day - in 2000, experienced sysadmin Ted Kekatos was inspired by a positive Hewlett-Packard advertisement

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The last Friday in July is System Administrator Day – in 2000, experienced sysadmin Ted Kekatos was inspired by a positive Hewlett-Packard advertisement and decided to establish a day called System Administrator Appreciation Day.

Who is a sysadmin?
A simple question for those who are employed in organizations that use PCs and the Internet (I wonder if there are still those in the world who are not?). For them, the system administrator is the person who will help the accounting department with the printer, solve the issue with the dropped network, update the working software licenses, provide the workplace, purchase the necessary equipment. To get a vague idea of what a sysadmin does, why he is bearded and wears a sweater, and what explains his love of cats, used to be mostly on Bashorg. But Bashorg is no longer the cake, so let’s talk about this important profession from an adult perspective.

In general, the main task of the system administrator can be described simply: to make everything work in the organization. He applies creativity and systems thinking to solve IT challenges in the best possible way. In contrast to the much-publicized image in networking folklore, this professional must have a high enough level of empathy to hear the person whose systems failure affects how their workday will turn out and whether they will be able to meet their goals. The sysadmin must also develop the ability to explain the essence and solution of the problem in human language, accepting as a given that not everyone can understand it the first time, and this is normal.

So a sysadmin or a technician?
Since the organization’s work depends on the timely deployment of a new server or purchase of office software licenses, as well as on the stable operation of the chief accountant’s computer, the sysadmin has to deal with an unrealistic number of “near-iteesh” tasks, and he has every day to become an “enician” – someone who comes to the rescue when “I clicked, and everything disappeared. And while technicians are usually entry-level system administrators, even specialists with rich backgrounds often have to roll up their sleeves.

But every year technology enters more and more firmly into the life of any company and becomes an integral part of its work, the degree of automation and intuitiveness of tools is growing. The level of technical literacy of employees is also growing – for many people, to solve the question of connecting to a printer or upgrade the software is no longer some kind of magic. With the development of clouds, some even predict extinction of sysadmins as a profession, and on Habra it is possible to meet numerous complaints about the depreciation and “oppsy” (honestly, I quote our own sysadmin!) profession, problems with professional growth, routine tasks. All of this leads to a discussion about the ways of development for system administrators.

Guys, you will be fine. This profession is mainly (well, at least we believe so) for inquisitive and self-learning people who love technology, following its development, willing to get to the bottom of things, to look for the root of the problem and solve it. And there are many ways for sysadmins to go if the usual tasks have become monotonous or if they want professional growth. You can develop horizontally and vertically according to the growth of tasks and responsibilities, you can go in related areas, gaining new skills. In essence, it is as if you graduate from school with a sufficient fundamental education, and from there all roads are open – you just need to choose (and yes, I’m quoting our sysadmin again!).

Network Engineer (NetOps)
If you get bored with dealing with a small office network, you can set a goal to get a level-up and administer, for example, networks of large carriers and learn on your own skin what “with great power comes great responsibility” – in this case the responsibility for ensuring that the network provided to thousands and thousands of subscribers function without failures. In practice, a higher salary, but also a greater likelihood of night/weekend duty and a greater cost of error, which translates into greater monetary loss.

What knowledge do you need to get to administer large networks? Basically, fundamental knowledge: TCP/IP stack, basics of networking, dynamic routing protocols, also you should know the specifics of hardware of different vendors (Cisco/Juniper/Mikrotik/Dlink/Huawei, etc.) – hardly you will encounter homogeneous environment in practice, so you will have to be familiar with the specifications of hardware and features of integration.

Support engineer
This is trabshooting at maximum speed, as you are used to. Speaking about our team, our engineers maintain complex high-loaded services, which can be web services of big marketplaces, streaming platforms, state online platforms or TV channels. The sysadmin mantra “make everything work” here reaches its absolute maximum – the client’s happiness, reputation and money depend on the fault tolerance of the service. And it is especially the soft skills that true system administrators should have – openness, the ability to hear and understand, to get to the bottom of the problem, the desire to help. Therefore, system administrators with these qualities, while being able to administer Linux, navigate the protocol stack TCP/IP, HTTP(S), DNS, familiar with nginx (anticipating the joke – it is not us, but the other guys) and inquisitive enough to dig in the chef/puppet and look through the matrix from foreign sources, we always need and we are constantly looking for them. You can fix your secretary’s laptop, and you can also trawl through the most popular services, solve non-standard tasks and communicate with CTO-level customers.

Technical Account Manager
Let’s imagine that a company sells a complex, customizable IT product. Everything is classic – developers develop the product, salespeople (accounts) sell it. Developers want to focus on what they do best (code) rather than communicate with potential customers, and accounts aren’t able to dive as deeply into the technical intricacies of needs analysis to properly communicate the task to developers. To make this channel of communication work, you need a hybrid of these two worlds – a Technical Account Manager (TAM).

What is the task of the TAM? He is the liaison who “translates” the customer need into the language of the developer, selects the right solution in terms of technology, and monitors the implementation to keep everyone happy. TAM in tandem with the salesperson, who is responsible for the commercial side of the process, has to offer the right technology, custom solution, product, make an implementation plan, run the pilot, monitor the implementation, suggest improvements.

What does TAM need in terms of skills and can a system administrator find them? First of all, a deep understanding of the technical features of his product, perfect knowledge of its functionality, both current and future. Also a broad outlook and erudition in IT, to be able to solve non-standard tasks. And, importantly – the ability to communicate, to ask, to interpret, to present their point of view. In my opinion, a standard set for those who solve simple tasks every day, but want more. Do you recognize yourself? We have an opening, by the way…

Information Security Engineer
Year after year, businesses, regardless of size, are increasingly exposed to cyberattacks: in 2019, 81% of cases affected legal entities – mainly government agencies and financial institutions, medical, educational and scientific enterprises (this is from the latest Positive Technologies report). Considering that in recent years even the most old-school representatives of state IT have been actively digitalized in our country and in parallel there are new cybercriminal ways to complicate the life of companies, those who decide to devote themselves to information security have room to develop, and demand for such specialists is growing, not keeping up with the pace of threats.

A sysadmin who is already well aware of the IT infrastructure and understands the importance of timely software updates, differentiation of access rights, disaster recovery, can go much further than installing anti-virus on users’ PCs. I don’t know a single savvy IS person who hasn’t previously experienced the delights of sysadmin life.

What is important and what does a sysadmin need to learn to specialize in the infobase? Of course, a serious place will ask you for a recognized certificate – for example CompTIA Security+ or CISSP (Certified Information System Security Professional). It’s important to learn the fundamentals and focus not only on learning security systems, but also on ethical hacking practices (hacking and exploitation of vulnerabilities). And you’ll also need to “kill” your inner sysadmin a bit: usually the main goal of a sysadmin in an organization is to make things work, and fast, but for an IS engineer the priority is always reliability, and that always implies limitations in the ways of doing things.

DevOps engineer
A classic systems administrator assembles an IT system from off-the-shelf hardware and software elements and makes “everything work”: installs updates, conducts routine operations, and so on. But he has nothing to do with the development processes and operates the code that has been provided to him – that is, Ops in its purest form. Experience on the operations side, combined with immersion in development processes and mastery of a number of specialized methodologies and tools, allows a system administrator to develop into a DevOps engineer – a highly sought-after and well-paid specialist in today’s world of complex architectures and high development speed.

His task just like a system administrator’s is to “make everything work” but in case of DevOps it has additional levels of complexity: a DevOps engineer not only ensures stable operation of production systems but is also responsible for making sure that all development and operational processes are as optimized and efficient as possible – that is, that developers write code with the fine details of architecture and underlying infrastructure in mind, without wasting their expensive time on “monkey labor” and that routine operational work is automated as much as possible

A DevOps engineer needs to understand the intricacies of architecture and operations processes in order to develop technological requirements for a software product. He uses tools for automation, monitoring, deployment of test environments, change management. He can assess security risks, control code changes and follow-up support, manage quality and changes.

To act as a DevOps engineer, you will need to understand quite a lot and be able to combine part of the development processes and part of the operational processes. You also need to learn how to confidently operate a variety of tools from Jira to CI/CD pipelining tools like Jenkins and Gitlab CI/CD, from monitoring tools like Zabbix and Prometheus to configuration management tools like chef/puppet/ansible. The DevOps engineer also uses a variety of automation and orchestration tools – you can’t list everything. All this is overlaid with a number of important soft skills that system administrators can find in themselves: a readiness for continuous development, a desire to debug and automate themselves and other people and processes, an analytical mind.

System Architect
We’ve already touched on the question above of whether universal migration to the cloud will kill the sysadmin function. Yes, the use of cloud services by organizations of all sizes and the automation of a large part of routine tasks removes some of the usual work from the sysadmin, but nevertheless, the cloud must also be administered by someone. You need to understand the principles and features of cloud functions and services and APIs to make the right decisions about their applicability to an organization’s IT needs. And if you want to make decisions about designing such systems and solutions instead of watching them work and bang on, the logical step is to develop into a systems architect.

A systems architect analyzes the technological direction of an organization and determines the best technology and solutions to build an IT infrastructure, taking into account budget and scalability. He researches, identifies and tests the necessary solutions, and develops and documents integration and migration strategies. In some respects, the systems architect’s tasks overlap with systems administration, but the level is elevated: it’s no longer “make it work” but “design something that will work.”

It is difficult to determine exactly what technical competencies a systems architect should have – much depends on the technology stack and the objectives of the organization. For example, one job may require him or her to have in-depth knowledge of the network and various carrier-class equipment, virtualization environments, DBMS, storage, and even regulatory requirements. But this will vary from case to case. A systems architect must be able to think intelligently, in a structured and logical way (hello, sysadmin soft-skills), have knowledge of design methodologies, design tools, system integration principles. Yes, if you are not experienced in administering complex IT infrastructures, it will be a long way for you. But everything is possible with the acquisition of experience and additional skills.

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